Friday, September 29, 2006
Ok... the concert was quite bad, no offence to those who put lots of effort into planning and acting in the performances... Class party, hmm... It was almost PERFECT until the final hour of the party, when other people from other classes came and DISRUPTED our fun... Other than that, it was cool. Oh yea, Ms. Tan's husband, Uncle Benny, came to join us. He had arm-wrestling matches with some of us (heehee). And, we recieved some really cool presents!!! Many thanks to teachers who gave us the presents!!! Now we must get back to revision liaoz... Haizz...
Class Bloggers posted at
6:48 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Finally something that we can look forward to and enjoy as a class! Tomorrow will be our children's day class party, and we're going to have, food, fun... and an X-Box session... I'm sure you guys are excited!
We are at the final stretch towards PSLE... It's just 5 days away and 1 school day away! Some of you may be nervous, some of you may be too pressured... Just aim for where you can reach and do your best!
All the best,
Wen Shien
Quote of the Day:
"Prejudices are the chains forged by ignorance to keep men apart."
- Countess of Blessington
Class Bloggers posted at
6:18 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I hope everyone is studying hard for the PSLE! Don't get stressed up though... At least we got the class party to look forward to! ~Yeah~ Hope everyone contributes to our little "buffet" on Friday. Also, remember to bring money for funds for our class camp (for those that are going). That wll be $5/person, so taking that 35 people (estimated) are coming, we will have $175... However, concentrate on your studies for now and remain focused...
Class Bloggers posted at
4:11 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hello everyone, well Gabriel said that I should stop talking about all this stress and stuff, so I guess I'll just look on the bright side of life!
There have been many suggestions on how we're going to spend our overnight camp in school, like freeze and melt the entire school.... which is quite a good idea. Please feel free to suggest more by dropping a comment!
Quote of the Day:
Pay no attention to what the critics say. A statue has never been erected in honor of a critic. - - Jean Sibelius
Class Bloggers posted at
9:25 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Monday, September 25, 2006
Hello everyone, hope you guys are going on well with your revision as we enter the final phase towards our PSLE. Here are some "statistics" to keep you updated:
Days to PSLE:
9 days
School days to PSLE:
5 days
Days to end of PSLE:
15 days
There have been also many suggestions on how we should spend our overnight camp in school, so if you have some ideas to pass the night please feel free to drop a comment and share it with the class (teachers are also allowed to do so). Study hard for the remaining 15 days, but do not neglect your health!
Best Regards,
Wen Shien
Quote of the Day:
"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once."
- Lillian Dickson
Class Bloggers posted at
8:43 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Sunday, September 24, 2006
The preparations for after-PSLE activities are underway, and just to remind you of some of the activites, here are the announcements:
29 September (Friday):
Children's day class party from 10am-1.30pm. If you want to bring some food of your own, please feel free to do so.
10 October (Friday) to 11 October (Saturday):
Overnight camp in school, from Friday to Saturday morning, around 9am. More details will be provided later.
22 October (Saturday):
BBQ at Lester's condominium. Details will be provided later.
Class Chalet:
Not confirmed, details will be provided later.
Meanwhile, please study hard and strive on for the PSLE!
Wen Shien
Quote of the Day:
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."
- Robert Byrne
Class Bloggers posted at
8:05 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Today there was some good news, as we found out that HMT boys can stay for the class party until 1.30pm, that means from 10am all the way till 1.30pm! Good for those HMT boys...
Preparations for after PSLE activities have started, and PSLE is really very close! Less than 2 weeks now, so perservere on everyone! Remember to bring the stuff you were assigned to for Friday's class party.
Quote of the Day:
"The heights by great men reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night."
- Thomas S. Monson
Class Bloggers posted at
4:39 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Ms Tan announced that we were going to have a class party after the children's day concert on 29th October 2006, all the way till school ends at 1.30pm.
This is good news, but the bad news is that Higher Mother Tongue boys have to leave at 12.30pm to go for the lessons! That means that they will have to miss out on about an hour of the party. Is this a move to make them "smarter" before the PSLE, or will this tire them out?
This will not be fair for those HMT boys as they are forced to have class while the others in class, like Ms Tan said, celebrate their last and final children's day before leaving this school. Can't they just enjoy their last children's day like the others can?
Class Bloggers posted at
4:06 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Hi guyz, I got a couple of announcements to make... You probably heard it in class, but I'll just post it here in case you forget or something...
29 Sep, Friday -School Hours (10.30-1.30 after Children's Day Concert & recess):
Class Party-- Remember to write what you're going to bring on the "wishlist" at the cupboard at the front. Better enjoy, 'cos this is our last Children's Day in our life...~buhu~
13 Oct, Friday - After school:
Class "Camp" in School (Confirmed)-- We will be staying overnight (or at least the ones who want to stay overnight) Non-stop fun!!! We will be joined by Mdm. Chui and...
Mr. Lim! It will end at 9 a.m on 14 Oct!
21 Oct, Saturday:
Party @ Lester's House-- Nothing to say...
Anyway, don't know if we are still gonna have the chalet thing....
Quote of the day:
I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. ~Author Unknown
Class Bloggers posted at
3:41 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Ok... This time, I'm not gonna write about PSLE, must persevere on, work hard... Think you all heard it enough times already. Anyway, Post-PSLE activities...
a) "Charity" work (or whatever you wanna call it)
i. Meals on Wheels
b) PARTY!!!(Sadly, I think we can only choose one of 'em)
i. Class Chalet (remember to ask your parents if they can get hold of any chalet)
ii. BBQ @ Lester's...
Haizz... PSLE round the corner. 14 days away to be exact. Back to work...
Quote of the day:
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich
Class Bloggers posted at
4:47 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Monday, September 18, 2006
PSLE is that close that you can virtually smell the paper coming. Work hard, everyone! The end of PSLE is also coming. It all ends on October 10 for those taking higher mother tongue paper, and October 9 for those who are not. Less than one month! Perservere on!
Quote of the Day:
"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places."
- Author Unknown
Class Bloggers posted at
6:52 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Hello guys, today was another normal weekend... study and a little relaxation. Drop a comment and tell us about how your weekend was!
Remember to take care of yourself, especially your health. No use studying so much and yet be in poor condition on the actual exam day. Have a good school week ahead!
Class Bloggers posted at
9:21 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Saturday, September 16, 2006
PSLE edges closer every time the week comes to a close. Just yesterday, Friday, we had our Listening Comprehension for both english and mother tongue. Hopefully, the english was easy for you guys, but you may want to drop a comment on the blog about how your mother tongue paper was!
The major exams are just 2 weeks away, and post-PSLE is just 3 weeks away. Perservere on everyone and continue to strive for the best!
Class Bloggers posted at
9:33 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hi guys, PSLE is coming nearer and nearer so I hope you all have done all the preparations needed like revision and studying. LC is tomorrow so pls don't sleep so late like 11pm but sleep early so you will be rejuvinated for tomorrow's exam! And btw, Wen Shien can you pls STOP spreading rumors about me?? It is very irritating to have people coming up to and ask me questions so pls find out the real truth before you make a deduction...
Class Bloggers posted at
6:16 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The title says it all. NORMAL DAY again. Except for the talk about "Stress", it was a pretty normal day. Homework homework homework, from school, tuition and even your parents! Difficult to even do anything else. Anyway, 2 more weeks left to the BIG exam!!! Finally, 2 WEEKS left, seemed like it was 2 months away yesterday. Time sure flies even when you're NOT enjoying yourself. Hope everyone visiting the blog likes the videos, although I know NO ONE even visits(due to PSLE or some other reason). Hope people start visiting soon......
Class Bloggers posted at
6:28 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Here are two videos that Danyal wants you guys to watch, so enjoy them!
Remember that you can suggest videos by e-mailing the editors at!
Class Bloggers posted at
7:01 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Monday, September 11, 2006
Class Bloggers posted at
7:15 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Well today we got back our english composition results, which enabled us to total up our english marks! Those of you who didn't do well, don't worry about it, like Mdm Chui said, it's not the end!
Mr Elkan Lim also reminded us that we have 14 school days remaining to the start of PSLE, so spend our time properly!
Class Bloggers posted at
6:07 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Remember that you can suggest videos to share on the class blog by sending your requests to!
Class Bloggers posted at
3:19 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Here is a video that our friend, Yu Zi, wants you guys to watch! Please enjoy it!
Remember that you can suggest videos that you want to share on the class blog by sending your requests to!
Class Bloggers posted at
3:15 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Class Bloggers posted at
9:44 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Well it was another routine weekend, studying and resting once in a while. Well PSLE is that close: We have gone through 252 days of the year, which is 252 days of revision! Now, less than 31 days remain. So hang in there, it will be over real quick!
All the best for this friday's listening comprehension exam! Use your weekends wisely to prepare for this exam.
Class Bloggers posted at
9:15 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Friday, September 08, 2006
Class Bloggers posted at
4:43 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Class Bloggers posted at
4:36 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Well... There were tooooooooooo many people playing and chasing after the ball. Ms. Tan booked the WHOLE Sports Hall, but we got only 1 court in teh end!!! Wonder what happened... Only 1/3 of what we were supposed to have... At least 2 would be good, 1 court for soccer the other for badminton. Anyway, the match ended 2-1 with Wern Han, Zachary and our very own Ronaldo, Mr.Elk Lim(Haha, I'm gonna DIE for this).All in all, quite fun lah...
Class Bloggers posted at
2:35 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Thursday, September 07, 2006
This is just the first video of a two-part series, so check back tomorrow to see the second video!
Class Bloggers posted at
4:03 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Class Bloggers posted at
4:02 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Finally, we can play soccer on Friday after supplementary class from 12.30 to 1.30pm! Some people would not be staying back with two of them being Keith and Gabriel, which is not exactly good :(
Anyway, hopefully we can get to play the whole court. Remember to bring your soccer ball in case the person who is supposed to bring forgets.
Meanwhile, we have a spammer who has been spamming the cBox recently. Well he should be ignored, so just leave that loser alone. Perhaps he belongs to the group who escaped from Institute of Mental Health (IMH) and go around terrorising people with their mental talk. Surprisingly, we was from ACS (P) which is really a disgrace to us. Anyway, just ignore that former IMH patient.
Class Bloggers posted at
3:53 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Class Bloggers posted at
8:14 pm
Memories held close to the heart
From today onwards, we will be featuring videos from everyday! Today's video is a tribute to Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter, who was killed not long ago.
Please suggest videos to the editors so that we can feature them everyday! You can send your suggestions to We will try to have as many videos as possible a day, so please feel free to send in your suggestions! Thanks!
Class Bloggers posted at
4:40 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Class Bloggers posted at
4:04 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Monday, September 04, 2006
Ok... Today was a normal day. Work, tuition, read books... What is everyone else doing??? I'm so bored... LOL! Nothing to write also. Oh well, hope tomorrow is more interesting.
Class Bloggers posted at
6:09 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Saturday, September 02, 2006
It was a fun time today on Teacher's Day! My family just booked a chalet at Wild Wild Wet and I had a whale of a time! I went swimming for almost 6 hours and went to almost every station there was in the Wild Wild Wet. I am now having some sunburn on my back and it hurts. After the swims in the Shiok River, I had barbecue for the night! Marshmallows, sausages and whatever juicy food there was! If you had a fun weekend or did something exciting, feel free to share a little bit of it! Also not forgetting to wish all teachers,
And my good friend Gabriel Loke,
With Regards,
Class Bloggers posted at
2:56 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Today is officially the start of the September holidays, but we still have to return to school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Don't worry, we will get to play soccer on Friday from 12.30pm to 1.30pm at the Sports Hall! Remember to bring a soccer ball, just in case another person forgets. Spend your time wisely during the September holidays and remember not to overwork yourself.
Today In History: The great fire of London breaks out and burns for three days, destroying 10 000 buildings (year 1666).
Class Bloggers posted at
11:52 am
Memories held close to the heart
Friday, September 01, 2006
There are 2 so called "happy" occations today.
1.) Teacher's Day
---Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers!!! Hope you've had a good rest today...
2.) Gabriel's Birthday
---Happy birthday Gabriel!!! Thanks for inviting me to your party, I had so much fun (, although my legs still hurt)!
Ok... the day is almost over and I spent quite a lot of time at Gab's birthday party(6 hours to be exact) and I'm EXHAUSTED, so I'll take a break now, get some rest to get ready for tomorrow's activities...
See ya,
Class Bloggers posted at
7:56 pm
Memories held close to the heart
Today is a school holiday as it is Teacher's Day! Finally, a good rest for both teachers and us! Use your time wisely and revise your work, but remember not to overwork yourself, take breaks after some time of studying!
Today is also Gabriel's birthday!
Today In History: A joint French-American expedition locates the wreck of the sunken ship Titanic
Class Bloggers posted at
8:58 am
Memories held close to the heart